Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Now when I got a new camera I don’t want to work any more; I just want to take pictures. People are so beautiful here.

Monday, January 15, 2007


I had my first snake encounter last night. He was 10 m long and…and…ok, maybe only 1,5 m, but that’s big enough for me. I don’t know what kind it was and I didn’t linger to ask him. When I noticed him he was only 1 m from my foot but already on his way down his hole, I guess right now he is telling his family about his shirumbo (white person) encounter he had last night. There are several deadly venomous snakes in Namibia; the Black Mamba (for which there is no anti venom) is probably the most famous. Well, that's all I wanted to tell you, mom.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Why do other things when you can do this?

Sweet, sweet mango!

Happy New Year from Tofu beach!

"Gift-giving time"

The newly married under the white umbrellas.

In thirty minutes the cute little goat became breakfast. Simion are enjoying really fresh meat.

The gifts are being “processed”.

Some gifts arrived by bike.

Lempy's small village got filled with celebrating people.

Back in the Oshivelo!

Finally back home after three weeks on the road – Oshakati - Rundu - Whk – DurbanMaputo – Tofu and back. I had a wonderful holiday but it’s nice to be back in the village! Everyone greeted me when I arrived and it really feels like coming home. (Need some more bug spray though; the cockroaches have conquered the kitchen.) I celebrated Christmas in Durban together with Lena, Nico and Thomas. We had a nice little Christmas dinner by the pool :) We also managed a cricket game (or part of it), SA Vs India, before leaving for Mozambique. It can be really fun to go to a cricket game, even though none of the fun is related to the cricket itself… it’s like a big (white) picnic (including tea break for the players).

In Tofu, Mozambique we enjoyed the never ending beach and had just the right amount of alcoholic liquids to be able to dance (sexy African kind of dance) into the first dawn of 2007.

Before coming back to our communities we had a “Mid Term Workshop” in Windhoek where our new (we didn’t have one before) team leader Shannon got introduced.

Lempy’s wedding was a fantastic experience with lots of colours and happiness (personified by old memes running around armed with horse tails shouting lelelelelele!) After a party on Thursday in Lempy’s village the ceremony took place in the local church on Friday. A big fest followed and the next day the fest continued for one more day in the groom’s village. They know how to celebrate!

(The pictures from the wedding are taken with a disposable camera (my camera finally died – too much sand in the system – just before the wedding (I bought a new super camera in Durban though – so prepare for some serious shooting))